Core Functionality
- New in version 6
- Import / Export, XPS <-> PDF
- Direct import from scanner and web cams
- Outlook integration, Outlook objects to PDF conversion, including
- PDF events / actions
- Import / export FDF / XFDF, submit forms
- Highlight fields, design mode for form fields
- Content Page Editor - supports multipage view
- Replace text
- Extended search
- Portable collections for embedded files
- Links to external / embedded files
- Show document revisions
- Annotations: insert / replace text tools
- Gallery item editor for watermarks, backgrounds, stamps
- Named destinations and links support
- AutoText fields (incl. gallery items)
- Pensil / eraser tools
- PDF Reader integration: IE and Firefox (Mozilla family)
- Thumbnails and preview of PDF files in Windows Explorer
- Compatible with MS Office 2010, Windows 7, 64-bit architecture
- Multilingual setup
- Create and convert PDF documents
- PDF printer - create PDF, PDF/A files in any application by printing
to PDF
- Create PDFs from any printable file directly from Windows Explorer
with one click
- Create PDFs directly from Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint or
Outlook with one click
- Create PDFs directly from Internet Explorer (HTML files or websites)
with one click
- Create PDFs directly from your scanner or web cam (via TWAIN
- Convert XPS to PDF and vice versa
- Convert documents to PDF/A format for archiving
- Extract text and images, convert pages to images
- Edit PDF documents
- Edit and format text, rearrange and adjust images and geometrical
- Change the structure of existing PDF files to facilitate teamwork
- Insert, track and edit bookmarks, links, comments, labels, marks and
- Search, replace and extended search functions
- Create interactive PDF forms: insert, arrange and adjust fields
- Protect documents using secure encryption. Restrict rights for
editing, printing and copying
- Design PDF documents
- Design new PDFs by importing text, image and html files
- Design new PDFs by adding text, images and geometrical shapes
- Insert backgrounds, watermarks, stamps, layers, headers and footers
- Merge PDFs from multiple printable files
- Merge whole PDF documents or separate pages from different PDF
documents, including links, comments etc.
- Add attachments and embed files (incl. video and audio files) in
PDFs, create portable collections for structured documents
- Powerful editor for watermarks, backgrounds and stamps-make your own
design elements
- PDF Reader
- Display and print PDF files
- Fill, print and save interactive PDF forms
- Sign and certify PDF documents with digital signatures
- Direct Internet Explorer and Mozilla (Firefox, etc.) web browser
- Service
- Modern MS Office 2007-like ribbon interface
- Define PDF profiles for the PDF printer to facilitate creation of
PDF files
- Send PDF documents via e-mail