soft Xpansion GmbH & Co. KG
Windows 7
, Windows Vista
, Windows XP
Unit price:
Total price:
(74.99 EUR)
license pack pricing option
The everything-in-one PDF application: create, convert,
edit & design! Perfect PDF 6 Premium is powerful software for all
PDF-related tasks. Not only can you convert different documents into
Perfect PDF 6 Premium enables the creation of PDFs from any
application that can print, as well as directly from Windows Explorer,
Internet Explorer and Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point,
The modern ribbon-style user interface combines related
functions into tabs and groups for quick navigation.
MS Office, Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer
integration. Metadata importMS Office, Internet Explorer
and Windows Explorer integration — create PDFs with just a few mouse
clicks! When converting Word, Excel or PowerPoint files and Outlook
objects the links, tables of contents, form fields, comments and even
the Word index are converted as well. Internet Explorer integration
makes it possible to convert websites and html files into PDFs quickly
and accurately. Windows Explorer integration offers extensive
functionality available from the context menu.
Real PDF
editorChange document structure quickly and flexibly by
inserting, editing and deleting pages from different sources. You can
also edit and insert texts, images or vector shapes and customize texts
using standard functions like font settings, bold and italics, paragraph
formatting and frames. Use dynamic fields (AutoText) to update your
documents automatically. Search and replace functionality is also
Comments, forms, digital signatures and moreDifferent
comment types can be added using Perfect PDF 6 Premium. Use comments,
stamps, notes and marks to exchange information with other team members
for more efficient teamwork. Additional objects like watermarks, headers
and footers or stamps are also available. Design new and modify
existing interactive forms.
Digitally sign and certify PDF documents
via an easy step-by-step wizard. Use certificates from SmartCard and
eToken storage or from PFX files.
Core Functionality
- New in version 6
- Import / Export, XPS <-> PDF
- Direct import from scanner and web cams
- Outlook integration, Outlook objects to PDF conversion, including
- Import Word index fields with links
- PDF events / actions
- Import / export FDF / XFDF, submit forms
- Highlight fields, design mode for form fields
- Content Page Editor - supports multipage view
- Replace text
- Extended search
- Portable collections for embedded files
- Links to external / embedded files
- Show document revisions
- Annotations: insert / replace text tools
- Gallery item editor for watermarks, backgrounds, stamps
- Named destinations and links support
- AutoText fields (incl. gallery items)
- Pensil / eraser tools
- PDF Reader integration: IE and Firefox (Mozilla family)
- Thumbnails and preview of PDF files in Windows Explorer
- Compatible with MS Office 2010, Windows 7, 64-bit architecture
- Multilingual setup
- Create and convert PDF documents
- PDF printer - create PDF, PDF/A files in any application by printing
to PDF
- Create PDFs from any printable file directly from Windows Explorer
with one click
- Create PDFs directly from Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint or
Outlook with one click
- Import important metadata like tables of contents, links, form
fields, indexes and comments in Microsoft Office Documents
- Create PDFs directly from Internet Explorer (HTML files or websites)
with one click
- Create PDFs directly from your scanner or web cam (via TWAIN
- Convert XPS to PDF and vice versa
- Convert documents to PDF/A format for archiving
- Extract text and images, convert pages to images
- Edit PDF documents
- Edit and format text, rearrange and adjust images and geometrical
- Change the structure of existing PDF files to facilitate teamwork
- Insert, track and edit bookmarks, links, comments, labels, marks and
- Search, replace and extended search functions
- Create interactive PDF forms: insert, arrange and adjust fields
- Protect documents using secure encryption. Restrict rights for
editing, printing and copying
- Design PDF documents
- Design new PDFs by importing text, image and html files
- Design new PDFs by adding text, images and geometrical shapes
- Insert backgrounds, watermarks, stamps, layers, headers and footers
- Merge PDFs from multiple printable files
- Merge whole PDF documents or separate pages from different PDF
documents, including links, comments etc.
- Add attachments and embed files (incl. video and audio files) in
PDFs, create portable collections for structured documents
- Powerful editor for watermarks, backgrounds and stamps-make your own
design elements
- PDF Reader
- Display and print PDF files
- Fill, print and save interactive PDF forms
- Sign and certify PDF documents with digital signatures
- Direct Internet Explorer and Mozilla (Firefox, etc.) web browser
- Service
- Modern MS Office 2007-like ribbon interface
- Define PDF profiles for the PDF printer to facilitate creation of
PDF files
- Send PDF documents via e-mail
System Requirements:
Publisher: soft XpansionLanguage:
English, Français, German
EAN-Code: 4280000076397
7 / Vista / XP (64- / 32-bit version
CPU: Pentium IV or higher
RAM: 512
HDD: 50 MB
For the MS Office
integration: MS Office 2010/2007/2003
For Internet
Explorer integration: Internet Explorer 6 or later