Windows 2000
, Windows 7
, Windows NT
, Windows Vista
, Windows XP
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Total price:
(99.95 USD)
HyperNet 4 - Personal Search Engine - Review Website Builder = Making Money Online
Build large content focused websites with ads, a sitemap, an rss feed
and all the little tweaks needed for search engine optimization and
extremely relative ad placement. Great potential to earn money with
online advertising systems with HyperNet4.
The entire website build process is automated, only basic HTML
knowledge is required to generate large websites very quickly. Once set
up, the system allows anyone to create articles and reviews about any
website and topic the HyperNet4 crawling system has gathered.
The example HyperNet4 website at staticware was built in 20 minutes!
HyperNet 4 - Full Feature Activation
What do you get?
- Special effects when scanning
- Email extraction feature
- Access to all ad spaces
- Increased revenue from your website
The licence you are about to purchase is a Single LifeTime Licence.
Customer support: Web & email support is provided to all purchasers of HyperNet.
System Requirements:
Operating System: XP, NT, 2000, Vista & Win 7
Processor: 1.5Ghz and above
Memory: 1Gb
Graphics: VGA, SVGA at a minimum resolution of 1280x1024
Hard Disc Space: 100Mb+
Network: High Speed Internet connection.
Buy Now Hypernet4