LLC "Innovation Systems”
Windows XP
Unit price:
(98.00 USD)
AdPoster is the program for the automatic advertisment
posting at the free message boards. Create any quantity of
advertisments. Sell, buy, provide services, help you prospective
customers to learn about you! Quick start of your advertizing campaign
in the Internet with minimal expenses!
AdPoster is the program for the automatic advertisment
posting at the free message boards(advertisment panels, free
classifieds, announcements). The program is provided with the base of
1000+. boards in english. Create any quantity of advertisments. Sell,
buy, provide services, help you prospective customers to learn about
you! Start advertizing yourself in the Internet not even having your own
site. Just with 3 clicks create a minisite-vCard directly out of
AdPoster program with the free placing on ESCTools company's domain and
indicate the reference to it in your advertisments.Quick start of your
advertizing campaign in the Internet with minimal expenses!
System Requirements:
CPU – 1.5 GHz (2 GHz recommended).
RAM – 256
Mb (512 Mb recommended).
Hard drive space – around 200 Mb.
Display resolution – 800x600 (1280x1024 recommended).
Explorer 7 and above
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