Antamedia mdoo
Windows 2000
, Windows 7
, Windows Server 2003
, Windows Server 2008
, Windows Vista
, Windows XP
Unit price:
(70.00 GBP)
Total price:
(70.00 GBP)
This combination is not available
Antamedia Print Manager Software*
Antamedia Print Manager is a centralized solution which
helps you to monitor, control, restrict and audit user printing. It
includes statistics, reporting, billing module, and is suitable for both
small and large businesses, Internet Cafes, Libraries, Schools,
Universities, Law Firms, Governments.
Antamedia Print Manager is a centralized solution which helps you to
monitor, control, restrict and audit user printing. It includes
statistics, reporting, billing module, and it is suitable for both small
and large businesses, Internet Cafes, Libraries, Schools, Universities,
Law Firms, Governments. Software helps you to easily check print job
history for any selected time period. Details include document and
printer name, username, number of pages, page size, color, price,
workstation and date and time for each printed or deleted job. Charge
for print jobs per page, or configure separate prices for color and
black & white printing. Print Manager uses each account's settings
(and money balance if applicable) to automatically decide if the print
job should be printed, deleted or paused. Operator assistance is not
required. Real time statistics and usage reports provide print (and
sale) reports in chart and table view. You can check number of printed
pages during the day, sales, top customers by color, black & write
printing, summary per printer, account, group etc. Configure rules to
automatically print or delete any user’s print job, and optionally
notify customer. Rules can be set to block or pause printing when: -
There is insufficient money balance in that account - The print job size
exceeds maximum allowed size - The document name contains specified
keywords - The print job exceeds the maximum number of pages or copies -
The print job is color when only black & white is allowed Built-in
“wizard” helps you to configure print prices, share your printers or
generate accounts so you can start providing either paid or managed
services immediately.