ProMatrix Inc.
Windows 7
, Windows Vista
, Windows XP
Unit price:
(29.00 USD)
The VoiceOver Speech Sequencer enables you to easily add
speech to your video presentation. You just create a MS- Word document
containing the narration and the audio is added to your video
instantaneously. Two plug-ins make the integration possible, the
VoiceOver MS-Word Plug-in and the VoiceOver VST Plug-in. Complete
Real-time Integration
Have you ever wondered how to add high quality speech to
your presentation? Maybe you are looking for a female voice with a
British accent, to add narration to your corporation’s videos. Or maybe
you need some dialog to help make a point in your products tutorial. The
solution is the VoiceOver Speech Sequencer… A simple audio plug-in for
your video editor.
Product Features: • Phrase Level Timing - for a more precise and
natural sounding narration • Phonetic Translation – because some text is
pronounced different than is apparent • Volume and Balance Controls –
to allow variations in speech, or dialog between two or more people
Applications for VoiceOver include: • Narration for tutorials •
Demonstrations • Video Help System • Corporate Announcements • Any
application where it is necessary to add speech to a video.
Flexibility: Here’s a scenario that will showcase the flexibility of
the VoiceOver Speech Sequencer. Imagine, needing to change only 1 word
in a video production. With VoiceOver, you simply type the new word, and
the audio track will speak the new word. It will only take minutes to
change words, or change the timing of words.
Building a VoiceOver Solution: In any production, video, or audio, it
is best to create smaller subparts such as scenes, chapters, or songs
in an album. VoiceOver refers to these smaller subparts as tracks, and
there are normally 1 to 5 minutes long. When creating a long production,
you may have 2 or more of these tracks within a video presentation.
The VoiceOver Speech Sequencer includes 2 components: • The VoiceOver
MS-Word Plug-in for Microsoft Word • The VoiceOver VST Plug-in for your
Video Editor
Example Videos: Each video in the help series uses VoiceOver for the
narration. These videos are medium quality, and each was created in
about an hour.
For a better understanding, please watch these videos:
Video Explorer
System Requirements:
1) Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7
Microsoft Word 2007
3) Video Editing Software that is VST compatible
SAPI Compatible Voice
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