Perpetuum Software LLC
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Microsoft Reporting Services in Silverlight Applications
is Possible
The main obstacle to the spread of Microsoft Silverlight as a
platform for development of line-of-business RIA is the lack of built-in
components for the work with reports. At the same time, not a single
corporate application can function without effective reporting system.
Perpetuum Software allows you to combine two powerful Microsoft
technologies: Silverlight and Reporting Services, so that you can
leverage their advantages in your business intelligence applications.
Silverlight Viewer for Reporting Services is the first product on the
market which provides the ability of viewing the Reporting Services
reports in Silverlight applications. The component represents a native
Silverlight control and is easily integrated to any Silverlight
application. Thus, it is possible to use the whole set of features which
are, as a rule, available in the classical desktop applications,
including dynamic scaling and smooth panning with animation, interactive
sorting, search and so on.
Silverlight Viewer can be used in applications, located directly on
the html pages, and in the out-of-browser mode.
Delicate setup of viewer appearance with the use of styles and
templates allows the shameless inclusion of the component into design of
any application. All aspects of the Silverlight Viewer component
behavior can be controlled from the code.
The user will view only necessary report pages without loading the
whole report. This feature provides high speed of work and saves
Internet traffic. If the used fonts are not set on the client’s side
they will be loaded automatically.
The main competitive advantages of the Silverlight Viewer for
Reporting Services product are:
- Printing of Reporting Services reports from Silvelright.
- WYSIWYG report preview in web browsers with support for scaling,
scrolling, panning. The reports are displayed in vector representation.
This provides high quality appearance of the report which is impossible
to achieve with conversion to html.
- Support for Out-of-browser mode.
- Abilities of the full-functional applications: search, interactive
sorting, dynamic zooming, navigation through the reports via hyperlinks,
input of the report parameters by the user and so on.
- Smooth animation during the manipulations with reports, no sudden
changes on the display occur when you scroll, zoom in or out or navigate
the report.
- Support for styles and skins allow the changing design of any
control elements.
- Reports export to PDF, Excel, Html, Cvs, Xml, Mhtml, TIFF.
- Automatic fonts load.
Current product version supports only MS Sql Reporting Services 2005.
The support for MS Sql Reporting Services 2008 will be available in the
next version of Silverlight Viewer for Reporting Services.
Use functionality of the Silverlight technology for displaying
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services reports!