Perpetuum Software LLC
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(75.00 USD)
Filter SharePoint lists with SharePointListSearch
Data sources usually contain hundreds and thousands of records; and
the work with such data sources without filtering is continuous and
inconvenient. And who is not acquainted with the situation when it’s
necessary to view only some part of all existing records?! That’s why
the filter able to search data addressing the set criteria is often
SharePointListSearch filter is an essential tool for quick data
search and filtering in SharePoint lists. Now you can include only the
needed part of records in data view and avoid all unnecessary
information. After using the filter only those rows which address the
criteria set for the columns are displayed in the list. Filtering
doesn’t change the order of the elements; it allows displaying data only
in the sequence used earlier.
With SharePointListSearch it’s possible to use filter for any
ListViewWebPart located on the page. The product gives you the ability
to work with already filtered lists. You can filter data not only by
exact match but also by the part of the word written in the filter.
The ability to save latest custom settings makes the product even
more convenient. That’s why you don’t need to set analogous criteria in
order to work with the same lists under the next page opening.
DropDownList menu which is implemented for the fields with fixed values
makes multiple filters available to the user.
Filtering is a quick and easy method to search the needed records
from the large amount of data. Now with the help of SharePointListSearch
all the relevant information is on a single page!