Sebe Lian Claudiu PFA
Windows 7
, Windows Server 2003
, Windows Vista
, Windows XP
Unit price:
(200.00 EUR)
MayaScan KFX is a Windows® desktop application able to
connect to and control a locally attached TWAIN compatible scanner, and
to get your documents on screen, as images. It can also connect to your
corporate Kofax® server and send the images to it for further ICR, OCR,
barcode processing, or whatever your business workflow needs. For later
batch tracking, MayaScan KFX builds a local, browseable archive that
contains all the succesfully sent batches. More details at
System Requirements:
• Windows XP Professional, Windows 2003 32 bits versions, and up.
• TWAIN interface scanner
• Kofax® Capture 8 server (
• To see archived images, you'll need to
have installed a image viewer able to open tiff files.
I work with and recommend XnView (