Vladster Ltd
Windows 2000
, Windows 7
, Windows Server 2003
, Windows Server 2008
, Windows Vista
, Windows XP
Unit price:
Total price:
(175.00 EUR)
IncoPOS is innovative and easy to use point of sale
system. Suitable for most shops, groceries, restaurants, points of sale
etc. Whether you are opening your first retail store or expanding
operations, IncoPOS will improve your business efficiency.
IncoPOS is innovative and easy to use point of sale system.
Suitable for most shops, groceries, restaurants, points of sale etc.
Whether you are opening your first retail store or expanding operations,
IncoPOS will improve your business efficiency. Lower costs of
operation, improved sales and higher customer satisfaction will help you
make your business a successful one.
IncoPOS provides all the functionality needed for seamless straight forward point of sale operation.