Windows 2000
, Windows NT
, Windows Server 2003
, Windows Vista
, Windows XP
Unit price:
Total price:
(65.00 USD)
Centrolized company-wide employee pc activity monitoring
solution, monitor 2000+ network computers within one server.
IMonitor EAM is an application for real time network computer monitoring
and content filting, and for employees' work time tracking.
IMonitor EAM has the following features:
Allows you invisibly monitor all employee's pc & internet activities
from one contralized position, such as email, instant message,
keystrokes, documents printed, FTP file transfered, websites visited,
applications used, etc.
You can see live screenshots of multi network computers and take a
control of a remote computer by controlling it's mouse and keyboard .
log file operations on employee's computer, such as copy, delete,
create, rename, open, copy file to removable disk, etc
Restrict remote computer's website browsing in all web browser
Block game IM or other unwanted application.
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