Windows 2000
, Windows 9x
, Windows Server 2008
, Windows Vista
, Windows XP
Unit price:
Total price:
(270.00 USD)
Balanced Scorecard Designer is business performance measure and control software
Balanced Scorecard Designer (BSC Designer) is software that simplifies
the process of creating and managing Balanced Scorecards or KPI groups.
With BSC Designer you will be able to create a set of key performance
indicators, define relationships between groups, goals, and specify the
importance of indicators. BSC Designer gives provides a flexible way to
calculate performance values depending on indicators' settings, such as
min/max values, target values, measurement units. The resulted Scorecard
can be exported into MS Excel file for further processing. With BSC
Designer you can create a set of Key Performance Indicators and group
them into categories. Each category and each indicator (goal) have a
relative weight, which tells about importance of this indicator. You can
define your own relative weights or use balancing function, so BSC
Designer will calculate the values itself. The indicator (goal) also has
a current, min and max values. Depending on optimization strategy these
values are involved in calculation of the performance within metrics'
category and the total performance of the Balanced Scorecard. Once the
scorecard was designed it could be exported into MS Excel for further
usage and integration with businesses systems, such as CRM or ERP. A
better option is saving the designed scorecard and sharing it with
co-workers both as a .bsc file (native BSC Designer file type) and MS
Excel file.
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