Bharath Infotech
Windows 2000
, Windows XP
Unit price:
(900.00 USD)
It is a retail billing software suitable for all kind of
retailers and distributors. It covers billing , inventory , vat reports
, outstanding reports , MIS analysis & Final Accounts etc.,
It is a multi user retail billing software suitable for all kind of
retailers and distributors. It covers billing , inventory , vat reports ,
outstanding reports , MIS analysis & Final accounts etc., Suitalble
for India and other countries which follows VAT system for
billing. Includes billing , purchase , inventory , customer receipts ,
payments to suppliers,outstanding reports etc., Covers reports like
summaries , sales reports , purchase reports , MIS reports , comparisons
, Graphs etc., Suitable changes for Currency will be made on
confirmation of the order. Date format is dd/MM/yyyy (British Date
format) .
Service backup is by E-mail & Mobile . In case of failure of the
computer software has to be reinstalled and backups to be recovered.
Keeping the backup data in a different location is a must.After
installation and running the software for sometime product key will be
asked by the software . The product key and the company name has to be
send to us to obtain the relevant licence keys.
Bill printing is on DOS mode printing on plain sheet . DOT Matrix printers are preferred over laser / deskjet printers.
We are howerver not responsible for any damages or losses incured due to installation / usage of this software.
Platform : Windows XP with Office XP .
Separate version available for Vista and Windows 7.