Algorithm+ SRL
Windows 2000
, Windows 9x
, Windows NT
, Windows Server 2003
, Windows XP
Unit price:
(214.00 EUR)
AllCONT v 2.0 GM helps you obtain a precise accountancy .
De asemenea, permite gestionarea exacta a miscarilor de stocuri, atat
global cat si pe fiecare gestiune in parte.
AllCONT v2.0 GM offers a series of functions among which:
- defining an unlimited number of companies, clients/suppliers,
accounts, documents and other accounting notes;
- connection with Activa Clasic, DATECS MP55, Sapel Shop cash
registers and using them as a fiscal printer;
- printing client invoices in A4 or A5 format;
- printing the monthly statements like: [Balanta, Cartea Mare,
Registrul Jurnal,
Jurnalele comerciale, Fisa Cont, Registrul Casa/Banca];
- tracking merchandise movements, materials, fixed means, inventory
Minimum technical requirements:
Operating system : Windows ’98
Hard disk space: 20Mb
Display resolution: 800x768
Color depth: 16bit