NTI Corp
Windows 7
, Windows Vista
, Windows XP
Unit price:
Shadow 4 delivers the ability to automatically
copy files from multiple PCs to various devices in real time and also
preserves the files in their native format - meaning no additional
software is necessary to restore files. Shadow 4 works transparent.
NTI Shadow 4 continues on the award-winning
easy-to-use backup application that automatically protects your photo,
music, video, and various data files. It makes data restoring as easy
as dragging and dropping files from one place to another. Shadow 4
delivers the ability to automatically copy files from multiple PCs to
various devices in real time and also preserves the files in their
native format - meaning no additional software is necessary.
System Requirements: Hardware Requirements
- IBM PC or Compatibles, Pentium III 900MHz or higher and 256MB RAM.
Software Requirements
- Microsoft Windows 7 / Vista / XP